Phase 4: Post Decree: After your decree is entered you may have a few tasks left to manage. The Judge/Magistrate might order that you set up an account with the Family Support Registry for child support or spousal support, or that you prepare a Qualified Domestic Relations Order to divide any retirement accounts. Usually, the post-decree process is not extremely labor intensive, but it sets up how the case will be managed in the future. If any maintenance, child support, parenting time or property distribution issues were addressed, this is the time where these Orders are managed in such a way that they are organized and clearly followed. Be sure to diligently follow the Court's directions from the beginning of the process all the way through the end. This way, you can try to avoid returning to Court any time in the near future.
If you have any questions and would like to consult with a Family Law Attorney during any step of the process, please contact Donelson Ciancio & Goodwin, P.C. We have a number of representation options ranging from full representation to assistance on an hourly basis if you intend to represent yourself as a pro se litigant. Call (303) 450-1665 for more information or use our online contact form here.